
Albizzia julibrissin

Mimosa or Fusarium Wilt (fungus – Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. perniciosum): The leaves wilt, dry and shrivel, although they may remain green or yellowish for some time. Later the leaves fall and the branch dies. Sometimes only one side of a tree may be affected the first year of onset of symptoms. Suckers may sprout from the main trunk, but there is usually no recovery. Brown discoloration can be found in the sapwood of trunks and branches even before the leaves wilt. Discolored areas of cut stems may appear as complete rings. Dark rings are also present in the roots. Infection is through the roots. The fungus can be carried over in seed from diseased trees. Two wilt-resistant varieties are available – Charlotte, with light-colored flowers, and Tryon, with deeper red flowers.

Leaf Spot (fungus – Cercospora glauca): The only described leaf disease of mimosa in this country. Angular, small, dark brown spot develops as disease progresses, the center of the spot may become pale. Disease generally not serious enough to warrant treatment.

Cotton Root Rot: (See section on Cotton Root Rot)

Root Knot Nematodes: (See section on Root Knot Nematodes)

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