Cedar, Juniper, Arborvitae, and Cypress

Cedrus spp., Juniperus sp. Thuja occidentalis, and Taxodium spp.

Twig Blights (fungi – Diplodia sp., Phomopsis sp., and Coryneum sp.): Needles, twigs and smaller branches turn light brown to reddish-brown; gradually die back from tips. Sometimes serious on seedlings and young trees in wet seasons. Tiny, brown to black dots appear later on infected parts. Prune and destroy blighted parts. Spray regularly.

Winter Injury (non-pathogenic): Injury evident in late winter and spring. Previous year’s foliage is scorched, turns brown and dies back from tips of branches. Water plants during dry winters. Mulch during winter to conserve moisture and prevent freeze damage to roots.

Root Rot (fungus – Phytophthora sp.): Foliage wilts and fades to tan, yellow or light brown. Branches or tops die back. Grow in well-drained areas.

Rust (fungus – Gymnosporangium spp.): Greenish-brown to reddish-brown, corky, round to irregular galls on leaves and small branches. Masses of bright orange to brown, jelly-like spore horns form in wet spring weather. Prune out and destroy all infected areas.

Sooty Mold (fungus – Capnodium sp.): Unsightly, dark brown on black blotches coating the needles and branches. This is a fungus that usually grows on honeydew excretions made by insects (e.g., aphids, scales, white flies and others) or in flowing sap. The only damage caused by the fungus is through shading. Control insects.

Trunk Rot (fungus – Fomes sp.): (See section on Wood Rots.)

Annosus Root Rot (fungus – Heterobasidion annosum): The greatest enemy of Eastern red cedar over much of its range. This fungus completely destroys the living bark and sapwood of the roots to the root collar, but seldom extends into the trunk. The fungus fruiting structures, irregular whitish conks, are found under the duff at the ground line. Most common in East Texas. No practical control.

Crown Gall: (See section on Crown Gall)

Mushroom Root Rot: (See section on Mushroom Root Rot)

Cotton Root Rot: (See section on Cotton Root Rot)

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